Community Health Development Programs
Community Health Development Programs
The Community Health Development Program of phect-NEPAL is working health promotion of people at community level through various health activities. Initially, phect-NEPAL started its activities in community through the Health Information and Service Centers, the primary health care centers with community management system under the umbrella of CHDP, and most of these centers now have been transformed into Health Cooperatives that are completely owned by the community. The scope of these community based health cooperatives primarily focus on preventive and promotive health care with primary level curative service.
It bridges community health activities with the Kathmandu Model Hospital and other hospitals of phect-NEPAL in periphery of valley. CHDP has been coordinating for community based health insurance program in Kathmandu Model Hospital and Kirtipur Hospital for community people through health cooperatives and some other type of institutions.

Community Based Reproductive Health Care and Counseling Center (CBRHCC)
Community Based Reproductive Health Care and Counseling Center (CBRHCC) was established in Kirtipur in 1999. To comply with the objective of phect-NEPAL “developing a model of sustainable community health care throughout rural Nepal” & “to build a society with healthy individuals” , CBRHCC focusses on Comprehensive, Holistic & Integrated approach to improve sexual reproductive health & rights of women/girls. Gender based Violence is another area of work of CBRHCC.
Key areas of emphasis include Women and girls/adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health, its prevention and treatment, advocacy for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV) and support for its survivors, and the promotion of access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information and services to marginalized and under-served groups.
Community Health Cooperative Program
Community Health Insurance Program is a community support activity of phect-NEPAL to make high level health care service accessible and affordable for community people. The program has been implementing since 1993, when Kathmandu Model Hospital was established, and now it is operating in eight communities of the Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Dhading District.
Community Health Insurance Program
The concept of health insurance has not been accepted in Nepal yet. In order to promote health insurance, phect-NEPAL is actively engaged in promoting 10 community health insurance programs which are known as health cooperatives. They have now become autonomous and are also engaged in promotional and preventive health activities. The members of these cooperatives are provided a special discount of 50% at our health care facilities.
Tele-medicine/E-health Network
Health care in a country like Nepal becomes more challenging for a number of reasons difficult geographic terrain and financial issues being some of the important ones. It is obvious that we cannot catch up with rest of the world if efficiency in use of resources is lacking. We cannot go for things that are getting more and more costly and less and less efficient. Information and Communication Technology is one of the few things that are getting more and more affordable and more and more efficient. Therefore, phect-NEPAL has decided to make full utilization of ICT in health (ICT 4H). As a result, tele-medicine and tele-education has become one of the distinctive features of phect-NEPAL. At present, 10 rural sites are linked with KMH by video-conferencing facilities and regular tele-consultation and Community Medical Education (CME) through video-conferencing are being practiced. Regular video-conferencing with Universities of USA, Japan and Korea are helping to solve some challenging clinical problems and for sharing knowledge. Higher levels of telemedicine practices are expected to be achieved in near future. The organization is preparing to start virtual classrooms scattered in remotest area for producing middle level health care providers.